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Hardware Design and Software with STM32

In this project using STM32F103C8T6 Microcontroller and ESP8266, a PCB has been designed that measures the PH and TDS values of the liquid and transfers these data to a mobile application written in Flutter using Google Firebase service. In the project, stm32 hardware design, stm32 software, stm32-esp8266 uart connection and flutter software were realized.

Project testing link: 


Click to read the Project Details.

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EspNow Project

Using the espnow protocol developed by Espressif, the process of teaching the mac addresses of 3 esp32 devices to each other was carried out. The devices, which did not know each other's mac addresses when energized, introduced each other after 5 seconds and were paired over their mac addresses.

Project testing video:


Object detection with real-time image processing

In this project, which used Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and a servo motor, the object of the specified color was followed at an angle of 180 degrees. Python programming language and OpenCV library are used.

Project testing video: 


Smart Home Systems

The Smart Home System project is one of the projects I have done to develop myself in the field of embedded systems and IoT. I realized 3 different versions of the Smart Home System project.


Version 1: In the first version, at the request of the user, the user was able to control the sockets and lamps in the house by using the interface I wrote with html codes via a web server. Esp8266 Nodemcu was used as the development board. Circuit drawing was done in Altium Designer program. The electronic circuit was implemented using a voltage regulator and relays to operate on the 220V mains line.


Version 2: In the second version, the Blynk platform was used at the request of the user. Thanks to theBlynk platform, the user was able to control the circuit prepared in version 1 via a mobile application byconnecting to a different internet network. The requirement for the user to connect to the same internetnetwork has disappeared here thanks to the Blynk platform. The same PCB as version 1 was used..

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Version 3: In the third version, STM32 VLDISCOVERY was used as the development board.Since there is no Wifi module on the STM32 development board, the ESP8266 Wifi module wasintegrated into the circuit. Data exchange was provided via the ESP8266 Wifi module. In addition to thecontrol of sockets and lamps in the house, temperature and humidity information has been added. All thesedata were kept on the Google service Firebase cloud service. A mobile application developed by mycomputer engineer friend, Flutter, was used to enable the user to access the data and control the devices.

Energy Saving Smart Socket

In the Energy Saving Smart Socket project, features that are not available in smart sockets on the market have been added. Smart sockets, which are generally available in the market, enable the socket to be turned on and off via remote access. In addition to this, features such as temporarily turning the socket on and off, displaying the power consumption of the electronic device connected to the socket to the user, and showing the instant reflection cost of the device connected to the socket to the electricity bill were added in this project. ESP8266 Nodemcu was used as the development board in the project. Blynk mobile application was used to display the information to the user.

Project testing video: 


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Project

As Erciyes University students, we established the team called "ENDER UAV" in June 2021. My task in the team is team captain and autonomous flight software. Our project still continues.

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